December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009
Me, after losing 53 pounds in 2.5 months.

June 3, 2010 (8 months after surgery)

June 3, 2010 (8 months after surgery)
Me, after losing 102 pounds.

January 2011, Zoë's 5th Birthday

January 2011, Zoë's 5th Birthday
Zoë's 5th Birthday, January 2011, 130 pounds lighter and feeling good!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

And So It Begins

The Honeymoon is over.  The hunger is back.  The cravings are back.  This is to be expected, but still, it was nice when I wasn't hungry.  There are other factors at play here, and most of them involve medications.  I take a variety of prescription drugs that increase appetite and cravings.  Lately, all I want to eat are carbs.  The weight loss surgery mantra is "protein first."  I am going to be chanting that a lot in the weeks to come!

The actual weight loss is still going well.  I am down 95 lbs., but won't be happy until I hit the 100 lb. mark.  I'm so close.  One of the benefits of losing 95 lbs. is that I am much more active now.  I can keep up with my 4 year old daughter, most of the time!  Where as I used to sit around the house and watch her play, now I throw her in the car and we go everywhere.  We walk around the mall, the grocery store, anywhere we can walk, we go.  It is incredibly liberating to be able to move!

Mentally, I've been getting a bit panicky.  The old tapes are starting to play again, and I am afraid that I will not lose anymore weight.  My therapist felt that I was ready to be on my own, so I haven't seen anyone to discuss this for a couple of months.  I think I need to return to therapy with a new therapist.  Does anyone know of a good therapist in Strongsville or nearby?  I'm taking suggestions!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. I noticed you play violin/viola. I'm a Cellist. Stop those old tapes from playing and replace them with new tapes. If you expect to fail you will so don't expect to fail. I failed at every diet for 30 years but because I believed I could do WLS, I succeeded. It helped that I didn't see another post-op for 3 years. I didn't regain because I didn't know any better. I believed. Believe in yourself! I added you to my blog list.
